English to Hungarian Translation

English to Hungarian professional online translation. Fill the form below, attach the documents to translate and we send you the Hungarian translation in Email in three working days. We work with a professional translator network in Hungary so you would be perfectly satisfied with the translated documents. We guarantee the quality and the deadline of  the translations! Please check our reviews page and see what other customers are saying about our online Hungarian translation service.

Click here if you are looking for Hungarian to English translation

Instant Quotation

Please copy the text in the field below to calculate the number of the characters, then press the calculate characters button

The price for the online Hungaran translation is €22 for every started 1500 characters, for example up to 1500 characters the price is €22, up to 3000 characters the price is €44, and so on. For the full price list please click here.

Order The Translation

Select the nearest number from the list that is larger than the number of the characters from the calculator. If the character counter showed 2230 for example, then select the nearest larger number: 3000
Maximum upload size: 262.14MB
Please the upload the documents to be translated
The terms and conditions can be found here: http://www.online-hungarian-translation.com/tnc


Check your email, the Hungarian translation should arrive in the next three working days!

We guarantee the quality of the English to Hungarian online translation service. Send us the documents by filling in the form, and we will send you the Hungarian translation in Email in 3 working days. We work with a professional translator network in Hungary. Please check our reviews page and see what other customers are saying about our online English Hungarian translation service.

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